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A member registered Nov 20, 2020

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Some of the visual novels out there don't have much of a story to them but yours definitely does so it really is book worthy in my opinion only with animation and visual effects and music to worry about as well. I truly enjoy reading the story and getting to know the characters.  So excited to see the release!

Wow! Sounds  amazing! Hope you have a great trip and that the roller coaster smooths out a little in the future.  Can't  wait for the next release but I will. I just miss it.

Hey again. I'm back.. I was just wondering how the game is progressing. Can't wait to see the next update. Hope all is well with you!

I'm already growing very fond of Sara. 

Played your game. I really liked it! Great writing. I want to know what happens next. I hope you continue to move forward with it. Do you have a patreon page? Thanks!

Thanks! I look forward to it!

Hey! Just wondering how things are going on  th next update? I can hardly wait. Love your game!

Yeah I remebered that a little later. Guess I'll just have to wait. That's okay it's totally worth it! Thanks for all the work you put into it and for the great game. Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!

Hey! So excited for January and the new update! Hope your doing well and the you have a very Happy Holiday! Best wishes for the new year, Sim

Really like your game! I hope we'll see an update at some point.

Liked the game! Do you have a patreon page?

Not fair! Now you've got me even more excited for the update. Oh well guess I'll just have to be patient. Thanks for the reply and the pic. Love it!

Hey! Hope your doing well. Just wondering if the next Pitch Perfect will be out soon. Love your game!

Hey! Hope your doing well! Just wondering if the next Pitch Perfect will be out soon. Love your game!

Loved the game! Very fun. Good writing too. I like the character's personalities.  I'm already getting attached to them, Hope we'll meet more.  Will there be animation? Do you have a patreon  page? Thanks for the game!

I enjoyed the latest update. It's a fun game. I'm looking forward to the next. Thanks!

The girls are really cute! Already growing attached to them.

Loving your game so far! Just started but it's looking really good. Maybe when Subscribe Star releases it I can support it. Thanks for the hard work. Having a lot of fun!

It was really well done, Loved the whole game. Nice to see things progressing with Kaylyn and  Jayd. Would love to see more Alivia content. Music and sound effects were great as usual. Thanks again!

Loved Three Romances! So good! That must have taken a lot of work to put that together.

I was so excited when I saw that there was a new  update! I love the game so much. Thanks for all the hard work and creativity you put into the game. I can hardly wait to check it out!

Enjoyed the remake so far. Hope to see more soon!

Loved the update! Love the music love the girls. Can't wait for the next one! Thank you!!

So glad there's a new update! I been thinking about your game and hoping that there would be some new developments soon. Love this game. Can't wait to play it again!

It has renewed my appreciation for the classical music. It is perhaps an unconventional format but it a good one. I've really enjoyed it. If you ever get a patreon site let me know. Thanks again!

I have loved this game ever since I ran across it.  Just a fun game love the girls and their personalities and love the music too! What a great mix. You can tell you quite versed in the musical world. I did jazz orchestra and marching as well in high  school. I miss those times occasionally. Anyway thanks it's a fun game. Wish you had a patreon account. Thanks creating this cool world. 

I really like tales of unity and would really hate for it to get shelved. I would hope that you try to salvage it and move on. It’s a good story and I like the characters. In fact I’ve grown quite attached to some of them. I know you’ve had issues with depression and I’m sure this didn’t help but know that there are people out there that really enjoy your work and support you. Sorry this happened. I hope things get better for you.

(1 edit)

There are a lot of words for sure but it’s not how many words there are but what the words say in my mind and Lessons in Love is the best written visual novel out there by far. Glad it’s only 20% done because it will be a sad day for me when the story comes to a close.

I'll be honest I like seeing new content at least every 2-3 months. I like your game. It's fun. The story is good and I have grown attached to the characters but I don't contribute to games that don't have regular updates. I'll be honest again I like the story I like the girls but I'm here for the adult content as well. Gotta have that or you won't keep my interest. I hope you'll continue to work on the game. I'm lookng forward to seeing what happens next! You've got a good game here don't give up on it. 

Really loving the game. It has everything I like. Good story, cute girls, great animation, humor, just lots of fun! Great job! Looking forward to the next update!

April 14-16.

Love the game. Lots of fun! I’m excited for the update!

Not nice Sosse. Thanks for the help, though I was able to figure it out on my own.